Convite à apresentação de propostas projetos ERASMUS+ – Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training – EACEA 27/2017
Publicada por CRC da Metalomecânica, em 2017-10-24 (há 7 anos)

A new call on Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training (VET) is now open for applications, under the Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 3 – Support to Policy Reform.

The overall objectives of the call are:

  • to increase the employability of young people and to contribute to the development of a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce from which companies should also benefit;
  • to support joint developments in VET in Europe and strengthen overall its quality, relevance and attractiveness.

The specific objective of the call is to support the preparation or setting up of joint VET qualifications including at higher level or the improvement of such existing qualifications.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at 6 million €.

Each grant will amount between 200.000 € and 500.000 €.  It is expected to fund around 20 proposals.

The deadline for applications is  31st  January 2018.

More details and all the relevant documents are available on the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA):

The Agency will organise on 24 October 2017 an info session / webinar to provide interested potential applicants with further information on the call.

Furthermore, a helpdesk is available for any guidance and administrative support. We invite you to contact us at

Kind regards,


The EACEA VET team